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Thursday, August 16, 2012

#@ SimplE DiarY@#

#@For me>>>simple is the best@#

8/8/12 Wednesday

2day something new happened for me...
this is what i occur in a blur situation><
our head of department,Mr.Daniel come to our class and tell us that 12.30pm there will be a shotting...
for us...
there is a question for us...
what shotting is that???
is it a normal picture shotting???

after the demo for chemistry practical...
all of us going down to the lecturer hall...
there are so many student of april batch...
i saw many handsome guys....><
why they are not in our class ???TT
after we gt our seat...
we only know what will occur for the next...

there is a video shotting for mahsa lah..!!!><
i dint make up!!!i dint dress well!!!
how can they make the video shotting while i'm in this worst situation???!!!

we gofor lunch before the video shotting...XD
here the chance that god give me ...XD
luckily i stay at hostel...
luckily i bring my cosmetic to hostel also..XD

due to there is not enough time for me...
I just make a simple light make up...><

Is it ugly???
or totally cant be seen that i have made up???TT

This will be my first experience...^@^

#@After swimming,while waiting for the bathroom,in wet condition@#

#@She just look like my sister,she is caring and funny@#

16/8/12 Thursday

i made many new friends...
most of them are mahsa student...^^

this week has many test for all subject><
I'm getting stress and emo><

2day,finally is the last paper...
which is chemistry...
I thought I can do it well among all subject...
it's not what i thiught><
at start...
it's easy...
but i dint realise that the time for the paper was 20min><...!!!
I getting nervous and there are a lot of mistake...
the main problem is...
i have no enough time to complete the test...TT

haiz..sad man...
the surprise is coming...
suddenly the lecturer say that will be 1 more practical test><
what the fruit~!!!!
what surprise that she gv us?!
1 more 20min test has carried out....
what i can do is only silent!!!TT

just forget the test...
after finish the class...
we go to the games room to play pool....XD
long time dint play adi...
but i still can play well what...XD
some more can teach my friends how to play...
actually i'm not expert...
i'm just know a little little little bit bit bit only...
i think cindy has gt addictic to the pool...XD

dont think that here is the full stop for today...
after having my dinner...
something happened....wuahahahx...
I do what I like to do...
that is...swimming~!!!!!
I love this exercise very much...XD
Tired but there was fun...^@^
first time swim at night...
what crazy girls we are...hahax

here i gonna stop my writing...
#@Night world&sweet dream@#

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