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Friday, September 20, 2013

#@how was my September of 2013?@#

finally i'm officially graduate... ^@^
this graduation is not a meaning of ending but it's mean the starting of something new...
hopefully we can work hard for what we want...
and work hard for medical in future...
future pharmacist, dentist, physiologist...

after finish registration for our degree and graduation for foundation what to do?
long time no see ady still wait what?
let's go lah wei...
here we're...
1st time come the garden's Chilis' eat...
fall in love to its lamb chop...
with a red wine...
it's really enjoy till max... XD
here the moksi and isuzu... XD

y hor...
ur eyes hor...
look like so yam geh???
hiak hiak hiak ...
what are you thinking ya ? XDD

long time no see still keep on play with ur phone?
we're anti-social?XD
yes we're...
all the phones have to put away....
who touch her phone...
she has to pay for the whole bills...
hiak hiak hiak...
our idea tabong ler??? XD
dek dek XD

mama ur eyes hor...
forever oso cant achieve my words of "like mama like kumiko"
big dao~~~~

going to eat mum mum loh...
i'm not going to rampas ur food lah...
don show this face ler...
so funny...

new uni life and new room...
and here my new roommate oso..
she's so funny...
i love her... XDD
she always said i'm look like her ex-roommate...
yes!even myself see the picha oso ask her y stole my pic and edit together with herself...

who's look like younger???
me me me??
the younger 1 look like a elder sis than the elder 1... XDD
just few months oni mah...

degree life...
formal wear life...
even go to pasar malam oso wear like so formal?
paiseh ya...
lazy go change clothes...XD
too excited for pasar malam food...
getting fatter ady..
pls create a drug for me so that i can eat all delicious food...
but will never ever gain weight...
i'm going to create for this drug once i gt my pharmacy degree...
then i will be millionair... XD

actly this make me pain die...
1st time make a new ear hole on my cartilage...
the pain is~~~
i don 1 to describe for u...
just go try urself... XDD
hopefully u will not so unlucky that pierce on ur blood vessel..
i think is vein...
swollen for few days...><
and tat guy was unprofessional...
how can he forget to put the stud when pierce ????

here the day gathering with my girls...
really super duper tired...
rush back frm PBD campus to JUC campus and then go MID VALLEY....
go for an awkward dinner at sushi zanmai...
laugh die me...
how can u did it????
tabong ya u.. XD
sry for the delay of ur bday dinner...
here it's ...
and hopefully u will like the bracelet...
keep it well o...
love euu~~~
keep in touch ya my girls... <3 td="">

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