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Friday, November 2, 2012

#@Halloween 2012@Starbucks@#

31st of October 2012

it is last day of October of 2012...
and it's AWSOME!!!XD
my uni have Halloween Party...
it's what a big day for me...
cox it's the 1st time i performance and join Halloween^@^

for my costume...
i have no any idea><
just take what i have...
dis is my 1st time to make this kind of make up...
i'm fail to be a scary vampire...><

I enjoy it...
and thx all my frenz who come and watch for my performance...
LOve u All...^^

#@here the pic for Halloween 2012#@

my look....
not scary at all><


she is scary


cindy...i'm not scary what...XD

so many ghost???

gt shock???XD

#@mahsa FIS july 2012@#

Vampire with gangnam style???XD

she is the costume winner

mahsa ghost

ghost sister

glee club...
great performance...
call me maybe+payphone

2nd of November 2012

Live brief candle...
in a blink of eye...
november have come...
and bye my october...

these days...
my brain is fulled of Mcdonald...XD
i gt addicted with Mcdonald ady???OMG...

as a result...
cindy and me went to Midvalley go dating..XD
find our Mcdonald and Starbuck...
McFloat not bad...^@^

I Love my Starbucks...
all product of Starbucks are nice...
1st time try salty caramel mocha...
U all must go and try for it...
and start from now..
i wan save money and buy IT!!!XD
it's my next target...
coming soon o...

How to maintain a good relationship???
all of us are came from difference place...
difference background...
for sure there will be some conflict
 between us...
open-heartedness is the best way 
for u~!!!
we choose to confess bcoz this 
friendship is important for us...
thx that u accept such straight fren 
like me...



I'm such a kid when I'm enjoy...XD


how was my shooting skill???^^

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