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Saturday, November 10, 2012

#@First week of November@#

5th November 2012

I hate every weekend go back home...
because 3days of weekend that i went back home i never touch book...
never study...
I'm a Cinderella and Sleeping beauty when i back home...

it's not what i want...
because according to Newton's third law...
every action has its reaction...
the reaction for me is...
need to rush and be a vampire when i come back to hostel...><

here the day is...
study crazy like hell just for the daily quiz...
stupid uni stupid plan for us to study....

three stupid girls who always don't know what happening in class...
we always start when people finish...
u get what i mean???

study until crazy and use the pen cap to pin my hair...==

here the 3 girl who just finish McDonald..XD

hey girl...
what are you doing???
your action make me laugh like hell...
people want throw me into swimming pool due to my laughter...XD

here the 1 who study until the pen cap on the hair...XDD




Stupid face><

6th November of 2012

I can't imagine that if my live without McDonald and Starbucks...
yesterday Mcdonald and today Starbucks...

My purses is getting thin but my body is getting fat...
inversely proportional???

2 girls went to Jaya One just only for the Starbucks...
study with the smell of Starbucks is a super duper enjoy action...
go until 11pm...
if the starbucks is not close at 11pm...
i think we will overnight at there...XD

there is a huge problem that we never consider...
luckily we meet cincau them and walk back to uni from jaya one...
if not...
how we go back???
after went back to uni still need to study and study...

#@Cindy & Charlene's Starbucks@#

I'm a Starbucks' promoter??XD
7th November of 2012

today we not only have Bio quiz...
we have debate also...
I'm nervous~!!!!
scare i will forget and can't pronoun correctly...
when people are debating...
Cindy and me like crazy girls that keep laughing and laughing...
and shooting also...XP
do you realise that anything special with this pic???
look at the earphone...XD

10th November 2012

yesterday went to swimming and someone addicted to swimming already...
so today go to swim also...
early in the morning went to swim...
it's quite cold...
i'm so happy that i'm successful taught her swimming...
and she's to be a hydrophilic with me...XD

there was some accident happened...
i'm injured...

life just like when u get injured...
u can't blame people...
because it's happened due to your careless...
u can't solve it with crying...
u can't hope for the help from people...
because your life is depends on yourself...
what you should do is stand up yourself...
and continue walk for it...

before swimming

Cindy & Charlene & Yvonne

I'm independent and strong...
although I'm injured...
I would never give up and cry...

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