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Monday, June 3, 2013

#@KLCC>Brand's Promoter@#

Never apologize for saying what you feel
Don't strive for perfection 
because you will lose what you have now 
Be patient and appreciate all the imperfections

Finally I resigned for Sushi King ady...
wan to noe why?
don 1 tell u ar..XD 
kidding ...haha
their salary cant satisfied me...
and the system not suitable me...^@^
I like to be boss when i work de mah...haha
paiseh ya...XD

don think that i resigned will keep on bcum da xiao jie everyday wait for money come frm sky ya...XD
Finally I found a promoter job~<3 font="">
at last do promoter again..haha
hmm...long time din promote product ady ler...
at 1st quite ganzhang geh...
but after that ok liao...^^

I met new friends again...hooray~
all of them are friendly~~
like them neh...^^
although i din hit the target...
but at least i gt sell dao mah...
luckily still gt allowance...^^
the boss not bad ya XD

my leg really pain and tired...
compare to sushi king...
this 1 is more worthy lah...^^

1st time tk LTR go KLCC alone...
I'm such an independance girl@@

that day receive mom's call...
i really very touch...
I miss my home badly...
I miss mama rice...
i don1 eat cafeteria food!
i don1 eat maggi!
i don1 eat pasta!
i don1 eat oat!
all of this make me lagi feel homesick...

hmm...faster gt salary ler..
i wan bring baba mama go eat steak...
buy things for them...
buy jor a toy bear bear for my sis as her bday present...
don let her noe 1st...
ltr touch dao she cry..

stupid uni...
everything price raise...><
even the hostel oso raise RM30 per month==
wat the...
y i never see ur service raise geh?==
even i stop to tk the room for 2 months...
after i enter degree i wan the same room oso cant?!
really stupid till max!><
waste my time to move out and then sept. move in again=='''

do u believe that this is my uniform?XD

reach KLCC safety...^@^

aiya...4gt to ask for her name ady><
but she;s very nice ^^

her name hor...
i oso dono...
but i noe she is AXE XD

feel great that to meet new frens...
happy working days~XD

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