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Thursday, June 9, 2016

#@National Pharmacy Quiz Competition 2016@#

u guys must be wonder how come i'm not the top student but i join this competition...
first of all...
the qualification didnt state that it oni open for top student...
secondly...joining a competition not oni aiming for win although u must be asked then why r u joining if u don wan to win...
for's more important to go through the process ...
to join is not difficult...
to be a winner is not difficult too i mean for top student...
but how about the process??

the journey to get to Kuantan with traffic jam tk took about 5 to 6 hours to reach there...
we even tk our dinner inside the van...
the preparation u have to do within a short period...
u have to drag out all ur memories to gt back what u have studied in the past few semesters and it's a typical student's style that after exam u will forget everything...
but for this competition...ur memories must be gt ready with everything u have learnt before...

and then...
the stress...
yea...everyone keep saying don push urself so hard as long as u do ur best...
but u do know that every eye on u with hope...
the feeling of stress...

last but not least...
how do u cope when u lose the competition??
although nobody will blame u ...
but ...u will feel that it's ur responsible to bring the name of ur uni to a higher level with this competition...

but but but...
yea...thr is always  but...haha
we gained experience on doing this competition...
we learnt on how to cope with the stress with ur teammate...
we did learn on how to communicate with others uni's students...

i do know that...
success is a journey but not a destination...

selfie with Yiizhi...muackss

her brain equal to all of our brain gambung tgt...hahaha...

The first day...going to fight...
but first ...let we tk a selfie...

preliminary round 1

it's been a long time i din wear baju kurung since my secondary school...
we're wearing and ready for the Gala Night after the competition...

seriously...i do hope my uni gt such grand building with ballroom inside like this uni...

I'm always the selfie stick when come with groupfie...haha...
Mahsa ,UKM, Monash and UM girls are here...
future pretty pharmacist

our theme is winter wonderland

lucky table with 2 ppl kena lucky draw...haha
congratz...double M uni..

me and my teammate

my lucky number...
it's quite creative with the design as it matchs the theme... love

nobody expect that there will be a real Olaf in front of u ...
and it seriously make the theme man...
winter wonderland...

Pei Wei jiejie

good job euuuu

End by 29th-1st of May 2016

#@Seremban + Pulau Kukup trip@#

my very 1st time been here>>>Seremban
It's been a long way...without u my friend...
just kidding....
yup...i'm back...i have been missing for such a long long time...
u must be wonder where i went and even u don want to know...
still i will tell u here...haha ...
and ...yup..
finally i'm here...
my very 1st time to come here...Seremban...
a city in Negeri Sembilan...

although my make up is not consider as perfect or so call very lengluii...
but still i dress up so nice and somebody bring me to climb up and down at the 蜈蚣山....
it's pretty speechless guys...
and ...
i end up with sweat and my make up gone...T3T
gonna redo again...
it's my 1st meet with all my Seremban collegues...
hopefully u guys still can recognize me ...
to show that i'm not that 照骗kay?
anyway... thx for the party Ah Gam ...
i did enjoyed it...
and my very 1st time to BBQ a chicken prefectly which didnt burn!!hehe 
Start my Pulau Kukup Trip here...
today i'm suppose to stay in the class at this moment and attending the lecture...
but...u must be wonder why i'm here...
hiak hiak hiak...
u noe a quote for girl...
and for me is...
hopefully u gt wat i mean...
ok,let's get back to the topic...our trip...
Pulau Kukup is an island in Johor...
this is all i know...haha...
the other thing i know is...
just grab all my stuff and follow the gang...
yea...this is how crazy i am...
it's a 2D1N trip with my collegue...

i'm not sure wheather u guys can see clearly wat it is ont...
but i hope u can download the image and zoom in to see...
when we saw this ''car''...
the oni word can say is...
it has wheels... still consider as car isn't??haha

after how many hours of journey i'm not sure..
and finally i'm here...
for our 1st seafood meal and waiting for the boat to gt to our house...
I hope i can post all the food pic here to make u all hungry...*Evil face*
unfortunately all the pic are not with me and...
tat time i oni know that i'm so hungry and oni focus on eating ...
tats y i din tk any pic of the food...sry guys...
but the trip video is coming soon...
once it is released i will share the link here and u guys can enjoy all the pic especially the food...haha
for 吃货 like me will only focus on food...others will not mind..haha

no caption pic...just a selfie with the teh tarik colour seawater...

how nice it is...
all the hse here are built on the sea...
and it's all are banglow i think...haha...
let's guess how u have to gt into ur hse???
as it's built individually on the sea right...
it's impossible for u to walk from the land to here...
also IMPOSSIBLE to swim here my dear..
so....u can only tk ferry to here...
i hope i din gt it wrong...the 1 i tk is boat or ferry i'm not so sure...oppsss...haha

how nice it is...
come come...
choose 1 for urself....haha

i do visit a temple at here, Pulau Kukup...
i not tat banana...
but...sincerely...thr is none of the word i know...haha
how wasted i have studied my chinese til PMR level...wuwuwuw~

view of the Pulau Kukup 

how good it is if every morning wake up with this scene...
feel like that is stress free life and ...
especially free from EXAM!!!!! XD

it's like so cham...
i'm taking the pic alone...XD

it's no age limit...
any age ...from grandpa age to grandchild age oso have...hahaha

Work smart, Play hard!!!

on the boat...

it's time to go back...TT

the very first time i see a snooker white ball can bcum this colour...
it's like AMAZING!!! hahaha

always selfie sefie...

nice trip...
i do really really relax myself especially my mind...
and it also make me more determine toward my dream... shouldnt call as a dream...
as dream oni appear while u r sleeping...
it should be my target...
work smart ...
tk the fastest track to achieve it!!!
thankQ for all the caring from u guys..
i do feel love and care from family...

my souvenir from Pulau Kukup and Seremban siewpao...
吃货always buy food yea...haha..
the candy ring is so special..
it tk me some time to gt some special souvenir from P.Kukup to reach to my fren who study hard when i'm having the trip...hahaha

End trip ...27-28th of April 2016