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Tuesday, August 6, 2013


 Finally finish my foundation and the holidays is coming...
these 2months what i'm gonna spend it with?
i don 1 my holidays just everyday stay at home n do ntg...
this oni wasting my time...
although my parents are not allow me to work...
after arguing...
i still wan go to work...
i'm such a iron teeth girl...

i like the days i stay at home...
like my family...
like my siblings...
like my dogs...
and like mama rice ... XD
he's my youngest bro...
n he's the most naughty 1...
always bully me...
even i wan tk a normal picha oso come kacau banyak banyak...
bolo ...
but sometime he bring fun to us... XD

jeng jeng jeng....
nice rite?
i mean the hair style...
they look like couple ler...
bolo dao ...

i move away my siblings' toys...
n put mine here...XDD
almost all oso yellow n blue color... XD

i tot the 1st smart phone for me will wait till i earn money n buy myself...
never expect tht i will gt it as a gift...
really thx a lot...
this will be my most expensive bday present...
i will appreciate it 

cute dao....
teddy?my bro?XD

the oni day we worked at waku waku...
don ask me y i oni work 1 day...
thr is always a reason behind everything...
long story lah ...
just remind at here...
never ever work at waku waku...!!!

the food of waku waku...
it's really very nice...
but the price oso very nice...XDD

just ignore my fat hands...
guess wat emotion i'm behind it?
never ever tot that u r understand someone....
even him or herself oso dono wat they wan...
pls lah...
don hurt someone who r never kacau u lah...
u tot u gt money very big meh?
money can buy frenz who r oni love ur money but not ur ppl de loh!
if u can hurt ur oni good fren...
then congratz...
u will never ever gt a true fren anymore...
coz u dono how to appreciate someone at all!!!!

i'm currently work at Lash Bar...
here the 1st real hair eye lashes in my life...
really like my boss n my supervisor...
here is the oni place tat i can work without pressure...
n i really enjoy it...
as i love to make up... ^@^

happy bday evelyn 

my eyes...
really look like damn tired...><

the gang that come visit us when we're working...
thx guys...  

trying to change change n change ...
i dono y i'm doing this...
i dono it's for U or myself...
i dono wat i'm doin now is correct ont...
i dono if i success wat will happen...
i will try all the method to achieve it...
pls wait me wif a chance...

continuously gym for 1 week...
i don think tat i gt any changes...><

the last edu fair for us... 
